
Ecopia AI Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Policy

Statement of Commitment:

Ecopia AI is dedicated to providing a respectful, accessible and barrier-free environment in the delivery of our services and facilities to our customers, employees, and visitors. Ecopia AI is committed to complying with both the Ontario Human Rights Code and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and ensures that our accessible customer service policies are consistent with the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities.


This policy applies to all prospective or current employees of the company, contractors, consultants, interns, customers, and visitors, who possess a disability of any kind that restricts them in various ways.

Definitions as defined by the Human Rights Code:

1. Any Degree Of Physical Disability, Infirmity, Malformation Or Disfigurement That Is Caused By Bodily Injury, Birth Defect Or Illness And, Without limiting The Generality Of The Foregoing, Includes Diabetes Mellitus, Epilepsy, A Brain Injury, Any Degree Of Paralysis, Amputation, Lack Of Physical Co-Ordination, Blindness Or Visual Impediment, Deafness Or Hearing Impediment, Muteness Or Speech Impediment, Or Physical Reliance On A Guide Dog Or Other Animal Or On A Wheelchair Or Other Remedial Appliance Or Device,

2. A Condition Of Mental Impairment Or A Developmental Disability,

3. A Learning Disability, Or A Dysfunction In One Or More Of The Processes Involved In Understanding Or Using Symbols Or Spoken Language,

4. A Mental Disorder, Or

5. An Injury Or Disability For Which Benefits Were Claimed Or Received Under The Insurance Plan Established Under The Workplace Safety And Insurance Act, 1997


Ecopia AI understands that people with disabilities may give, understand, and receive information in different ways and will ensure to communicate in ways that take into account their needs. We will work with the person with a disability to determine which method of communication works best for them.

Assistive Devices:

People with disabilities are permitted to use their personal assistive devices when accessing our services or facilities. A personal assistive device includes any device that is used, designed, made, or adapted to assist people with disabilities in performing various everyday tasks such as mobility, communication, reading, writing, or lifting. In the event where an assistive device presents a significant and unavoidable health and safety concern, other measures will be used to ensure the person with a disability can access our services or facilities.

Service Animals:

People with disabilities who are accompanied by a Service Animal or Guide Dog are welcomed onto Ecopia AI’s premises that are open to the public or other third parties, unless otherwise excluded by law. We ensure that our employees are trained in how to interact with people with disabilities who are accompanied by a Guide Dog or Service Animal.

Please note, “guide dogs” are trained by the regulations under the Blind Persons Rights Act. A “service animal” is defined as any animal individually trained to do work or tasks that benefit people with disabilities.

Support Persons:

Ecopia AI welcomes people with disabilities who are accompanied by a Support Person to access our premises with their Support Person.  At no time will a person with a disability who are accompanied by a support person be prevented from having access to that person while on our premise.

Notice of Temporary Disruption:

Ecopia AI is committed to ensuring our premises and services are welcoming and accessible to people with disabilities. In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to Ecopia AI’s services or facilities, appropriate notification of the disruption will be provided. This notification will include information regarding the reason for the disruption, the anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.

Training for Employees:

Ecopia AI will provide accessible customer service training to all employees, contractors, interns, and others who provide services or facilities to customers on our behalf, as well as individuals who are involved in the development of the customer service policies, practices, and procedures.

Training will include:

  • The purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the Accessible Customer Service standard.
  • Ecopia AI’s policies, practices, and procedures related to the Accessible Customer Service standard
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a guide dog, service animal or a support person
  • How to use the equipment or assistive devices available on our premises
  • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing Ecopia AI’s services or facilities.

All employees of Ecopia AI will receive training of this policy and new employees will be provided with such training during their onboarding. Employees will also be trained on an ongoing basis in the event of legislative changes or when revisions are made to our accessible customer service policies, practices, and procedures.  A record of training will be maintained which includes dates on when training was provided, as well as the information of the individuals who received the training.

Feedback Process:

Ecopia AI encourages feedback on our services and accessibility program. Customer feedback will help us identify barriers and respond to concerns.

Customers who wish to provide feedback on the way Ecopia AI provides our services or facilities to people with disabilities can provide feedback in the following ways:




  • ATTN: Human Resources
  • 101 College Street, Suite 440, Toronto, ON, M5G1L7


  • 416-302-8828

All feedback, including complaints, will be handled promptly. Ecopia AI will ensure our feedback is accessible to people with disabilities by providing or arranging for alternative accessible formats and communication supports, upon request.

Modifications to this or other Policies:

Ecopia AI is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service that respects and promotes the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities. Any policies of Ecopia AI that do not respect and promote these principles will be modified or removed.